How widget works

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With the Ducalis Changelog widget, you can significantly increase your users’ engagement in your voting board in two ways.

🚨 Changelog widget and notifications

After embedding the widget, users will be notified in-product about your new features. After you move any of your ideas at the voting board into Done status, the widget will show updates with a noticeable red notification bubble. So your users won't miss your brand new feature.

👀 Live demo: Go to and click on What's New in the header menu.

🔑 Loginless authentication at your voting board

Using the same widget, you can pre-authorize your users into your Ducalis Voting Board, so they don't need to spend time on the login process, and you'll be 100% sure that this is precisely the particular user sending you feedback.

👀 Live demo: Login to Ducalis user, open, and you'll be with the same login, email, name, avatar, and company name.

🌍 Embed anywhere ****

You can embed it anywhere you wish. If your users were identified, they would see personal notifications at any sub-domain. For example, if a user reads a new feature announcement and goes to another page—a new red bubble notification won't appear until the next feature release.

We at Ducalis embed it into:

How to install

The changelog widget contains two parts: